How To Have A Healthy Lawn
Everyone wants a beautiful lawn. Today it's easier than ever to have a beautiful lawn, whether you do the work yourself or have someone else do it. Lawn care really is very easy. Most lawns need to be fertilized several time a year. They need to have invasive weeds killed. Some lawns can become infested with grubs, which need to be treated. Manufacturers have made feeding and weeding very easy with fertilizers that contain weed killers. These can be applied and take care of two things at once. However some lawn care professionals don't think that these combination applications work and suggest applying a fertilizer and separate weed killer. Grubs are a common problem in lawns. You can apply Dylox in the late spring and Merit in the fall to completely kill off grubs. Some people like to use Milky Spore to combat grubs, however it can take years for this to work, and, if you have grub damage you don't want to have to wait. Grubs will kill grass by eating the roots. When you purchase products follow the manufacturers recommendations closely. Always remember that less is really more. Too much fertilizer can burn a lawn, as can too much weed killer. Always follow recommendations for spreaders. When applying certain lawn care products, such as weed killers you want to make sure that you have a several day period without rain. It' great if it rains after you apply fertilizer as it will soak it into the soil. There are some simple lawn care tips that don't require measuring and chemicals. Mow your lawn high. It will help the lawn keep moisture at it's roots and will help it to crowd out weeds. Allow the grass clippings to go back into the lawn. This is a great way to put organic matter and nutrients back into the soil. When you water your lawn water it deeply. Deep watering helps the root of the grass grow deep into the soil. Light watering keeps the roots close to the surface where they can dry out. Water your grass in the early morning when evaporation is low. When you re-seed your lawn make sure that you use lawn soil. Use grass seed that is specifically engineered to grow well under the conditions it will have. Keep the soil moist. Try to re-seed when there will be a several day period without any rain so that seed isn't washed away. |