A Guide To Spring Lawn Care
When you think of spring think about lawn care. If you do your own lawn care you're probably very well aware that lawn care is actually a year round thing. Fertilizing, treating for various weeds, grubs, and fighting fungus takes dedication and a bit of time. We always consider spring lawn care a vital part of being able to re-seed in September. Spring lawn care starts in February. In early March you should put a fertilizer down on the lawn and also apply a broadleaf weed preventer. There are products on the market that can be used this time of years, Turf Trust Fertilizer and Portrait Broadleaf-weed preventer are two very fine products. Then, when the forsythia shrubs in your particular areas are in early to mid bloom you'll want to put down a crab grass preventer. You'll want to use the Forsythia as a guide because when they are in mid bloom is when it's hot enough for crab grass to start coming up, and it's vital to get the timing right in order to keep crab grass from growing. If you treat for crab grass in the spring you will not be able to reseed your lawn. Crab grass preventers work by keeping seeds from opening. And, it will also prevent your lawn seed from opening. Fall is always the best time to seed a lawn due to cooler weather and less stressful sun. Consider spring lawn care vital to getting your lawn in a healthy shape so that it can withstand the droughts and heat of the upcoming summer months with little effect. A healthy lawn can weather the stresses of heat much easier than a poorly kept lawn. If you don't do anything for your lawn at all, it'll show. There is more to lawn care then the chemicals your apply. It's upkeep with proper mowing and watering. One of the golden rules of lawn care is to keep your grass mown high, 2 inches is usually good. This is especially important when weeds are actively growing. Your grass will help crowd out the sun and hopefully this will keep weeds from growing. Also, when you mow your lawn leave the clippings in the grass. A mulching mower is the best type for this. Leaving the clippings in your lawn helps add back nutrients and organic matter back into the soil. If you use a mower with a lawn catcher on the back you'll eventually end up with soil that's rock hard because you're sweeping up all the clippings. We know, you don't like the way the grass looks lying all over the lawn. Well, that's easily taken care of, mow it more often! Generally your lawn will need to be mown once a week during peak growth season in the springtime, and every ten days to two weeks in the summer. Excellent products to use in your spring lawn care line up are Greenlight Dimension crab grass preventer, Speed Zone to treat for broad-leaved weeds, Dylox for grubs, put down in spring. Turf Trust Fertilizer. Mach II or Merit grub preventer to prevent fall grubs, Sedge Hammer to kill nutsedge. |